Lockdown and parle-G Biscuit Brand

As we all knows among other nations, India also facing the virus COVID-19 and the cases are daily increases day by day, still a hope that the recovery rate is about 50% of the total cases.At present till 10th of June total Active Cases in India are 133632 

On the Other hand many Indian Brand related to FMCG sector grown in multi numbers in respect of sales and thus in rupees as well. The reason for all above is many individual store the more biscuit packets for day to day eating habits and many organisation like NGO, MNC's CSR portal start distribution of these packets to the poor, or we can say migrants, Even Police department and other government agencies are also doing the same that all increasing their sales.
We also wish them for good turn for their sales. 

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As per the news agencies and senior head of Parle-g brand had never ever seen such 4 time growth in their Biscuit sales in past 40 years. Even the FMCG company parle-g also contributed 3 crores to the COVID-19 donation.

Lets see how parleg entered into Indian- market

  • Started in 1929, under Mr. Mohanlal Dayal founded the House of Parle in 1928
  1. Parle has its manufacturing units in Seven more countries including India- Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Nepal and recently added Mexico.
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