current affairs about Nobel Physics winner 2018

The Nobel Physics prizes for the 2018 have been announced on October this year.This is a award given for the research in Physics.

This year three people awarded for Nobel Prize  in Laser Physics, trio shared the prize each other:

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Laser Physics

  • Donna Strickland (third lady after 55 years) belong to Canada, before her Marie Curie  won Nobel in 1903 for radioactivity and  Maria Goeppert Myer in 1963 for Nuclear structure
  • Gerard Mourou age 74 from France. Both he and Donna developed short and intense laser pulses called chirped pulse amplification CPA 
  • Arthur Ashkin age 96 from US, oldest person who won the Nobel prize till 2018, he got prize for developing Optical tweezers 

About Nobel:

The Nobel Prize is an annual international awards in six category provided by Swedish and Norwegian institutions in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances. The will of the Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel established the prizes in 1895.

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